Stupified ><"

Been away too long =_=
Waaaaaay toooo long for this blog.
Bad.... this is bad...

Had a sleepover at my grandma's place for the past two nights; and boy am I proud to beep in my attendance earlier than my manager. Buahahahaha XD (My grandma's place is just 3 minutes away hohohohoho. ^3^ *whistle* )

Anyhow, I have sooo much to tell; hence I'm gonna brief it out in summary aight ^__^. So here goes...


Tok Wan's passing

Most of you probably have known that my beloved grandpa just passed away.
Yes, it IS still heartbreaking; god knows how the memories of arwah Tokwan is still lingering, repeating and playing in my head like old records;
I also have this habit of looking left to where my late grandpa's used to rest whenever I drop by to the house.
But hey, I am staying strong as always. We all are; especially my grandma.
Life has to go on, and arwah Tokwan is now back to Rahmatullah, away from this life's burden.
Reading sacred lines from Yassin will be the best to ease his journey.

Even now that all family member is back to their hometown, living life as usual, but the memories of the 1 week gathering stays.

Arwah Tok Wan brought us together :) and I'm pretty sure he's very happy especially to see that all his children (except Aunty Za) are finally here together.

The guy in white, sitting down far left is my uncle Eddy.

He is the only one with a feature closest to arwah Tok Wan. Check this out:

This was when arwah Tok Wan was interviewed for P.Ramlee's documentary.

Sama kan?

Hugging Uncle Eddy is just like hugging Tok Wan :)

But as how quoted by my grandma, "Your Tok Wan is much more handsome than Uncle Eddy".

Ouch. Haha. (Thank you soooo much Hanis for uploading this).

Yes. Seniour version of 'peace' sign.

The only one missing in the picture is Uncle Kelana and Aunty Za. Arwah Tok Wan has 9 children all together ^^. View more photos here.

Anyway, despite the patched bond, (in my personal opinion) it is still somehow sad to see that this moment only happen after one is gone. Even so, I'm really grateful that the misunderstandings and differences are sorted out (somehow) and hope the ties will be much stronger now.

Like what they've said, blood is indeed thicker than water.


Life & Style + Bandwidth launching:

Big congrats to both Elson & Caleb for the classy high class launching of Life&Style; and kudos to Arthur for his boom-bam-pow-wow launch as well.
The grand launching was held on the same day, same time @__@, but BB and I somehow managed to squeeze into both XD

All pictures credit to Life&Style (Jacq) and Bandwidth :)


BJJ and Muay Thai is now in Core Fitness:

Yes!!! Both Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai is now in Core Fitness!
They were having demos last week and me loving it long time~
The on lookers (girls mostly) were giggling looking at the guys wrapping around each other and rolling on the mat like sushi.

Above is BB trying out the jujitsu class.
Bergelut-gelut... hahahaha XD
I had a go for Muay Thai class and twisted my waist muscle for 5 days! @___@
My mistake.
I was contemplating to join the class at first and missed the warm up session.
Hence... serious muscle ache. Shit =_=


Serious Savings:

I've been saving up as much money as I can, and used a portion of it 2 weeks ago to repair Ms. Ferarri and Piper's tyre (I is Broke =_=).
Aunty Na is going to Geneva soon and Mama said that I can tag along as long as I have my own budget.
Sleepover in London, trip to Russia, hang out in Paris..... *drools*
But this is the problem.
The date clashes with my trip to KL / Singapore =_=.
It can still be fixed, but that means I have to miss the toy convention and fork out extra money to change my KL trip.
AirAsia.. what do you expect. =_=



A never ending story I believe ><". I lose a f.e.w kg and gained a bit of lean muscle thanks to my' almost everyday' gym routine. BUT... (yes.. there's always a but) I just need to lose this extra FAT!
I admit I have trouble in eating healthy.
I always forget to eat breakfast.
LOOOOOVE Junkfood... *CUBE chocolate cheesecake is an exception.. ohohohoho*
So despite trying to look better, I also want to be healthy on the inside.
*me don't want those fats beginning to wrap around my organs.. eww.. *
I'm sick of the 'no tarps, no tarps' or super low calorie diet and ended up losing muscle /gaining up double and triple after that *believe me, I've been there*.
I need something to replace my meal as everyday routine, fix and affordable, balance content and high protein (better) and most importantly, convenient. (I always have trouble finding good.. and I mean healthy food in the morning and after gym).

So in the end, after consulting with my friends who uses Herbalife, I decided to give it a try.
Well, at least for the first set.
So we'll see how it goes in about 2 weeks to 1 month time.
I'll definitely share with you guys.


1 Response to "Stupified ><""

J u l i a 。.゜✿ said... June 2, 2009 at 7:05 PM

hey bobidom...
macamana lah rupa aunty za sekarang. last kakju jumpa aunty za masa di Usm kelantan. dia datang jumpa kakju.


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