Sometimes i wonder...
does my opinion/what i think/what i feel even matter when u answer your own question?
you still do it anyway so why do i even bother?
"No choice" is not the answer.
We ALWAYS have a choice.
We can ALWAYS make a choice.
In the end, it goes down to whether or not you want/ready to do it/make it happen.
Spoon feeding/guidance/motivation/encouragement/other people's patient & confidence for/in you can only last you till this much.
It all starts with YOU.
No one better to help you than YOU, YOURSELF.
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Motivation talk? Did somebody push the button ka? XD
Then again, there's truth in this. Everything you wanna do and every path you took, is your choice, nobody force you to do it unless you're those unfortunate people that's being controlled by some demon la XD
Remember that having 'no choice' or not making one counts as a choice. Basically whatever you do is basically a choice.
People just don't want to be held accountable so they say there wasn't a choice or it wasn't theirs.
there's always a choice, do it or don't do it, alternative choices only comes in later but u always and always comes up with 2 or more choices.
of course we have choices but to make a good decision sometimes is difficult