- Wah lah weh... it has been waaaay too long since my last update. There were so many things going on and I just dont have the time to really sit down and have the mood to update. Lol! Friends, sorry for the delay. I guess I just have to re-cap on what has been happening for the past few months yeah? wink* wink*!
1) I do video shooting as usual
[Lai & Mua]
[Introducing: Colgate Fish]
[Before the butt ache tragedy]
[@ UMS beach... that's what it's called right caleb?]
[My boss & Me]
[Aqua Man in a big aquarium][UMS marine project: Ikan kemarahan] All of these are for UMS project. Yes.. my butt really hurt doing the video shooting on a very rocky boat.
2) I became Sabah V fm's guest DJ
Thanks to Marissa which happen to be Hanafi's good friend, I was able to get an interview session with his sister, the sexy voice Selina Light for GoLife's last issue:02. Conducting an interview with Selina Light, Sabah V Fm radio DJ was so cool. In fact, SHE was cool. A bubbly person with a deep sultry voice. She's very manja too! The interview went very simple & very relaxing.. ..ehem!..Let me add.. while eating.
[@ Vedablu Citymall Opening- before meeting Selina]
[DJ Selina Light]
[DJ Roslan - Orang yang amat laku suaranya]
After few weeks later, Selina invited Marissa to be a guest DJ for the Guest DJ show which is happening every Friday night at RTM Sabah V FM. Known as a person who likes to 'mengekor' anywhere that is interesting, happening & fun, i gave my starry-starry eyes to Marissa and she invited me to do a duo for the show. Thought she was kidding at first but hell no. Wah! sangat takut! Never done it before. But what the heck, I'm still young. Go for it. If malu pun, satu malam jer. muahahahahaha.
Surprisingly the guest DJ-ing went well. Marissa & I even did the 'tutturututuuu~' sound which turned Selina's eye bigger with surprise/confuse look. LOL! As what Abang Roslan (senior radio DJ/MC), we owned the show and doesn't sound like we are first timer. Nyaha~
Alas, the experience was great and would definitely want to give it a try again in the future!
3) I bought & Finished Harry Potter Book
[Breakfast @ Tiffany...NOT. Dalam kereta tunggu HP]
[We've got our Harry Pothead book! Yey!]
[Yaaa.. aku ndak pandai sabar.. ada masalah?]
Do you love the story and how it ends? Personally I do! But gosh.. what a weird name to name your 2nd child, potter. Lots of people mampus dalam tu. Sedeeey~ But I love how J.K Rowling really planned and arranged her storyline. Dumbledore, may you rest in peace. Snape, one sided love, kesian... we all have gone through that but kau punya lagi kesian and complicated.
4) I went to Aussie - will update later
25th july -
Departed from KK at 9am; Arrived at Brunei Airport 40 mins after that.. then to Perth at 12.40pm. I read my Harry Potter book all the way and surprisingly.. about 6-7 ppl in the same plane was reading it as well. Talking about fanatic and wanting to know the ending before anyone else does.
Due to unavailable seats for 3 person in a row, I got seperated from mama and cici. However, I met a cute boy (Ngeeeee :D) and his name was Reef Jonathan Turner on the plane. Both reef and I read harry potter; only that he was still at the first quarter of the book and was surprised that I almost finished mine. Ahhh~~~~~ love Harry Potter so much. JK rowling is ever so brilliant to make the expected ending to be so-so much interesting.
We arrived in Perth at about 6.40pm. After the immigration check, we met Mun outside (My sis's fren). If only people in Malaysia drive like those in Perth, i think the accident will be almost.... 0... none. They even have their own shopping malls in each suburb, have specific day fpr certain activities, e.g. Buy Car day on Wednesday, and Home Shopping Day on Thursday. All shops are closed at about 5pm. Sian cici, camna if dia lapar tengah2 malam. Adek aku tu raja makan.
Mun's house is huge!! Did i forget to say Beautiful too? Drooool~ They even have their own Pool table. As the third owner of the Y shaped house, the beautiful crib still remain gorgeous.
26th July -
Had a freezing but good night sleep. I woke up with the sound of Mun playing the keyboard. We ate pastry for breakfast. The, let me recite, 'high calcium low fat milk' that mun served for breakfast is sooo super duper creamy like no other low fat milk. Nyum~~~ Then, setelah exercise (kerana ku telah telan makanan dgn kuantiti yg tak terkata), Mun treated us with Hindustan movie. I did play around with the keyboard blindly... hehehe. Well at least I'm not a deaf tune.
Anyways, lunch was great too. We ate 'Ikan Terbang' (kelakar gilos nama ikan ni.. knowing that it's dead.. plus... fish can't fly!), 'Ayam Penyet' (ni lagi satu... hahahaha) and Sotong Goreng Tepung.. It was soooooo delicious, gua gitau lu. hahahaha. Darn. why didn't i snap some pictures. The dishes was from an Indonesian restaurant nearby.
We all went to garden city shopping mall in the evening. My sleepy eyeballs turned into a big tennis ball with a star icon attached to it. So many beautiful things. So many things to shop!!! Ui! seriously kena mengcontrol iman. Sekali tengok label... 'made in china' daa~ Sedey. Might as well I go to China directly. Plus, some of the fashion can be found in kk but kena rajin mencarila (ececece.. nak comfort diri sendiri). I bough a red belt with gold butterfly on it. nicee~ the rest of the temptation have to be saved for Harbour Town.
Babat (Mun's younger bro) drove us around town for sightseeing, and we also stopped by at King's Park before we had our dinner at Victoria park. It is pretty convinient to live here i have to say. Plus, it is safe too. If the road sign says 60km/h it mean 60km/h. No more! or else you'll get 'love letter' ur mail box. The city is light up every Thursday and Friday. other days, no light. Brrrrr~~~
27th July -
Went to Curtin University for my sis's final sem registration before going to Harbour Town where I bought a sweater in my fav colour and Roca-wear wallet. Thanks to Babat for driving us around, to all sides of Perth, i.e. North, South, East and West side of Aussie.
28th July -
Went to Garden City shopping mall again to buy last minute stuff. I bought cute candy (musk flavour) that you will never get in Malaysia, and also some souvenirs for my friends and colleagues. And yes!, i've found something not just koala or kangaroo. Instead, it's koaroo. Teheeee :D Told ya I'd find it.
While touring, we bumped into aunty arfa (Datuk Musa's cousin)with her husband. She's a friendly lady.... seriously. Their daughter, Feeza is also very nice. She's still studying and yet working at the same time in some company. With her monthly salary, she bought her own red BMW. Biotch!!!! (I mean it in a good way, okay!!) Vast giler minah tu. Anyway, aunt Arfa brought us to eat waffle and ice cream... (waaa.. dah sejuk makan ice cream lagi~) My teeth just can't stop chattering after that.
29th July -
Went to Fremantle. The beach is sooooo clean and so beautiful, and mind you, it was freezing cold; yet, there were still some people who went there for kayaking, surfbording and swimming (Gilo aper manusia sini) We stopped by at Kylies to eat the ever famous fish and chips dish. Ergh... tapi tawarrrr... camna? Ada satu burung tu.. curi fries orang. Sangat tak bertamadun burung2 sekarang ni. Oh, we also went to Mooray street for some shopping and window shopping. hihihihi.
30th July -
Cici's class started today. Before going to Aunt Arfa's home, Mama and I started packing for our flight back home on the 31st. Aunt Arfa's neighbourhood is a look-alike of Desperate Housewives' Wisteria-Lane.. With carpet grass, tall trees and nicely maintained garden. I loooooove the kitchen.
31st July -
Ahaaaaaaaa.. tanak baliiiiiiik~~~~~Siaaaan cici..... Sedih ok~~~~ But she'll survive. I know she can. Why? Coz she's my sister! Tata aussiiiieee~~ See you in March for Cici's graduation~
Eikkk~~~ story belum enddd~~~ When we reached Brunei, we received news that the flight back to KK was canceled. Everybody was sooooo angry and frustrated. Especially one Doctor who happened to be a surgeon in SMC. Why? Coz he needs to cut somebody the next morning that's why!! I was panicked that things for GoShop launching had not been settled 100% yet! After contacting caleb, explaining my condition... we sorted things out and wohooo~ I have my peace...
The good thing is.. another night of holiday in Brunei free of charge. It was filled with lights as they were celebrating the Sultan's 61th birthday. Muahahaha! I spent my night sitting in the lobby, online, and chatting with frens and discussing with colleagues. Oh~ the power of technology. So cool~ My mom and i sempat lagi shopping in Brunei's tamu the next morning just few hours before our schedule to the airport..
Our flight seats were upgraded to business class and we also received 'apologetic' letter from the Brunei air's management. Oh takper2.. jadi selalu pun takper... next time bagi 2 malam terus. Hohohoh.
5) Digital Heritage - GoShop! is launched
After 2 days of last minute final preparation/check up after my trip to Aussie, the day has finally come. GoShop! is finally being launched! Unlike normal launching, we chose to do it on a sunset cruise up on Sea Star, a cruise ship by the Pirates of Borneo. Ahoy~ the launching was so-so-so fun.
Well here how it goes actually. Upon the arrival of the Minister of Tourism, Datuk Masidi Manjun, all the press gathered in one room for the press release session. After the launching act, showcase of the Multimedia presentation and Q&A session, all of us went out to enjoy the sunset view.
We docked at Manukan Island for a while. Took some crazy pictures and board back on the ship for our dinner. We had karaoke and sumazau dancing too. A big thank u to Atama for willing to fulfill my starry eyes request in doing a performance for the night; not forgetting Richado too. Both of them really entertained the invited guests. The scenery of the Waterfront was truly magnificent as well.
[GoShop! is launched - 02/08/07]
[On POB - Sea Star]
[Waterfront from the Sea]
[Atama doing his thing]
[Seeeeee... my Managing Director is soooo sporting]
[King and I searching for Karaoke song]
[Hehe... anak sapo lah tu...Lol! Sensei took this picture.. aww TQ dearie]
Once everything had settled, everybody had their fun, not forgetting their happy tummy which has been filled with food, we are ready to go home. Upon docking back at Jesselton point, Agnes and the rest of the team gave away GoShop goodie bags to all invitees. I was quite embarrass ala-ala 'shy-shy cat gitu' when the press started to ask me lots of question regarding GoShop! however, i felt very happy to answer most of their questions and just cant stop promoting DH team. Without all of them, GoShop wouldn't be up.
Honestly there have been lots of idea installed for GoShop. Only time matters right now in completing the information gathering of all the shops/outlets n shopping mall. Well, I guess we just have to have faith & the 3Ps (Passion, Persistence & Patience) - since we're developing a new brand. Hard work matters as well.
6) I interviewed Rich of Estranged
Selina got us an interview with Rich of Estranged.. or better known as Rich of Akademi Fantasia Cycle 4. Thanks Selina. You're the greatest. Rich as we all know is a very talented and most importantly humble person. Surprisingly he was from the same school as Silas of Vedablu. Why bring Rich to Vedablu you say? Of course because Vedablu is our new favourite place to hang out. If you guys come down to KK, go and try Vedablu. You can say that Vedablu is the 'Baskin Robbin' of Sabah. Nyehehe.
Oh.. where was I. Oh right~ rich. Anyway, the interview was good and simple, not too personal and friendly to ask. He also gave us his album + his autograph. Thanks Rich! Kirim salam to Andy! Wihihihi (evil grin)
7) GoLife! 2nd Issue is up
Yes.. GoLife! second issue was up on the 7th August 2007. With so many contests and freebies from the clients/sponsors, GoShop and GoLife is trully thankful. It was very very hectic I tell you. Lots of arguments, silent tension, stress dan yang sewaktu dengannya. But when I just sit down and ponder upon what we had been through, It was actually fun and we learned A LOT!
[This is our Pilot issue. Issue:01][This is our second issue. Issue:02]
Attached were the first two issues. Now that both issues are out, and all segments had been appointed appropriately, We hoped that the third issue will be much easier and less tension. Then again, tension moment has its own advantage. That is where we usually learn and correct our mistakes, spot the team's strengths & weaknesses, effort and not forgetting the willingness to co-operate with one another. Verdict? Just like my past experiences, "We can manage~". Ganbatte to all! =D
8) KK organized its first Jazz Festival
The first KK Jazz festival is finally here! Thanks to SPArKS, DIGI, Rotaree Club and other organizers, KK is beginning to evolve into the musical scene. The event was a bit slow in the beginning, but surprisingly in the end, it was so-so-so much fun. Performances by Son2Nos, Mia & Roger, Jezzelton Quintet, Farid Ali, Denise Mininfield and other local jazz musicians really hyped up the events.
Marissa and I were walking around, taking pictures and shouting non-stop to the jazz ravers about GoShop url and GoLife. Some of them says 'WHAT???' some says 'Oh! GoShop!" and some says 'Really? Cool!' not forgetting 'Goshop? whats it got to do with jazz?'... Haaaaa~~ Now that is why GoLife is important. Because we cover most of the happenings in KK. From local fashion shops, to eateries, to events and so much more!
Seriously, without GoLife, we don't know what will happen to GoShop. At the very least, GoLife is definately helping GoShop to gain its name by us promoting its url. In order to view GoLife, they will have to visit and explore GoShop eventually. True dat!
9) Miss Borneo Shennanigan
GoLife! went to cover the Miss Borneo Shennanigan. Hrmm. Personally I was hoping that Nina, the runner up to become the grand prize winner. She has the look, the brain, the talent, the confident and most importantly, way better than the winner. Well, that's my 2 cents though.
10) The Bedroom Musician Series came to KK
From one event to another. Thanks to the Jazz festival where our colleague met the organizers of the Minstrel Musing, GoLife! got the ticket to cover the very first Bedroom Musician Series in KK. Fyi, Bedroom Musician Series is a pet project of Mia Palencia who happens to be my school junior back in high school.
We were really entertained by the performances by Andalusia, (for those who didn't know, they are the finalist of Hitz.fm blast off group), Reza Salleh (He really rock his simple acoustic guitar), Mia Palencia and The Bright Ideas and last but not least, Mia's cheeky bro, Chris Palencia, the youngest singer songwriter in Malaysia.
By the way, earlier that day, Marissa and I were invited to join and cover their Songwriting workshop. After briefed info and techniques from Reza and Mia, we were asked to find headlines in the newspapers & magazine provided by them. There was one title that caught my attention, and it's 'Oh! will you please grow up' . After 1 hour process of learning, I finally came up with the lyrics. It's.. erm... not gempak definitely.. but hey~ I wrote a song! Bloody bad~ but still ok~ muehehe.
Again..I gotta say, I'm truly enjoying my work. Promoting, working our butt off but at the end of the day, the bits of entertainment made us forget about the tiredness of doing OTs most of the time. GoLife! really turn my boring working life into something. Never regret of proposing it. Muehehe. Mr. Koh~ Mr. Edwin. I know you don't read this but still, TQ!
11) I went Shopping in KL
Mama asked me to accompany her to KL for the National Women's day. It was a weekend trip. A day before the women's day, we went shopping for early Hari Raya shopping spree. Wihihi~ hey don't blame us. We must shop smart~ and one of the ways is beli awal2~
Anyway, Sensei recommended Big Apple Donut @ the curve. Being a person with sweet tooth, I wouldn't miss the chance to try new sweet things! After shopping at my favorite work wear shop at KeyNg, Rizz, Nadia and I went to Big Apple Donut and bought a dozen donuts! Nyum~~ konyang den~ sodap tu~ some of the flavours were blueberry, durian, green tea, oreo, peanut butter, and snowy donut. Big Apple donut is definitely softer and not tooooo sweet like Dunkin donuts. But still each of them have their own strength.
We met up with Hafiz, Aunty Has & Sakinah too and went to Belpasto Pasta at Damansara S1. Waaah!! The price is reasonable and the portion is BIG! My favourite of them all, their chef special Tiramisu cake. Nyuuuuum!!!! Oishineee~~
The following night, before our flight back the next day, we met up with our cousins from JB! Wah! I miss hambal and the rest. We ate at our favourite nasi ayam shop, that is Nasi ayam Hainan at Jalan Bukit Bintang. We ate a lot, and had lots of catching up too. Luckily, the minute we got out of the restaurant, there was a musical parade along Jalan Bukit Bintang in conjunction with the 50th merdeka day (and it was just outside the restaurant). Talking about being lucky in a day ;).
After our dinner, we decided to go to Karaoke. Hakeem was the Karaoke DJ of the night and we had fun, truly. Departing was sad (well, it's always is, isn't it?), and I already miss them right at this moment. (Sigh~) well, i guess it will be next time till our next meeting. Whatever it is, this is a one trip I'll never forget!
12) I brought my VIP diners to Atlantis Bistro
Winners of our 2nd issue were invited to have a VIP dining with me and marissa at Atlantis Bistro Waterfront. Thank you Mike for recommending. Thank you Sairul.. Thank you Mr Jude and Mr Michael for organising. The portion was huge! Omg we seriously cant get all the food in. Lol! The desserts were scrumptious. We had to tapau our last main course dish due to our tummy is overloaded with the finger licking good lamb shank.
Haaa.. datang KK pergi Atlantis Bistro Waterfront and eat the Lamb Shank. Sodaaap~
13) I went to Konsert Ambang Merdeka - Malaysia's 50th Birthday Bash
Hari ini dalam sejarah. Sebuah kancil comel bernama piper telah bergerak sendirinya ke belakang dan berhenti apabila melihat Arthur. Hahahahaha. This morning Arthur went into our department and ask 'who's car is WKV1792' marissa answered 'Fara'. Arthur replied 'then why the heck is it parked in the middle of the road?' I was stunned right at that minute.
Arthur asked 'did u forget to pull the hand break?' and at that very moment, all of us started to laugh macam orang gila and ran down the stairs. Like a circus, other department near the window went to look at my car outside the parking area through their department window. Sedeeeey~ Thanks Arthur for announcing dengan kuatnya. I should promote you to become DIGI Fuiyoh ambassador.
Foxy: What happened to your piper??
Aya: Jangan marah Piper bah. She rindu I, and nak naik atas ofc but stop when she figured she couldn't climb up the stairs
Foxy: "Ju~ Ju~ Ju~ jut~" (Playing the transformer sound which he got from me)
Aya: ......
Foxy: But i though piper can transform and walk~ well i think piper wants to take a drive and lepak2 but stop when saw Arthur noticed her. She doesnt want to blow her secret.
Aya: ~_~" (Foxy is definitely still in transformer mood)
Aaaaaaanyhow~ Happy 50th Merdeka Malaysia!! Foxy, Nadia & I went to Padang Merdeka to cover the event. Wow. This is my first time celebrating merdeka at padang merdeka! (sedih tak bunyi? nama jer tinggal di sabah. Lol!)
We arrived 15 mins before the countdown. I was worried that we cant pass the jam-packed crowd. After curi masuk the plastic divider, dengan bijaknya, i pull out the camera, looking at foxy and nadia behind me, and just like James Bond i said "Guys~ follow my lead" (Chewah!) I walk straight ahead, saying confidently to the crowd 'excuse me. Tumpang lalu yer.. Cik.. beri laluan', Gosh! can't believe all the pilak and other visitors fall for it. I heard one of them said 'eh.. Wartawan! Wartawan!' 'Eh! orang berita~ orang berita'. Lol!!!! I buat dunno jer.
When the security saw me, of course, kena berlakon lah sikit kan?
Stage ONE:
Security A: Cik datang untuk ambil gambar merdeka?
Aya: Yer Sayer
Security A: Miss boleh ke depan lagi
Aya: Boleh ek? Depaaaaan lagi? (innocent face)
Security A: Boleh! Boleh! Depan lagi..
Aya: Baiklah!
Stage TWO:
Security B: Cik datang ambil gambar event?'
Aya: (Tidak.. nak ambil gambar sendiri) Yer sayer!
Security B: Oh! Cik boleh pergi depaaaaan lagi
Aya: Depaaaaaan lagi?
Security B: Iya.. Depaaan lagi.. saaaaana depan sekali dekat CM itu
Aya: Baiklah!!
Muahahahahah! Fulaweh~ vip treatment gitu. Iyaa~ Udah dibagi kok mau ditolak. Enggak boleh gitu dong. Lo memberi, gue menerima aja. Lol! So I went straight ahead, stand in between lines of artists behind me and lines of VIPs in front of me..... and there he was~ ......Andy!!!! Drummer of estranged!
I quickly snap pictures of all the AF stars, Amy search, Andalusia (though only met once at the bedroom series, they still remember me) and few others. I also took few shots when CM doing the Merdeka shout out. The event was truly spectacular!! Looking at all the male cameraman, suddenly i felt dejavu. hahaha. Cz i did the same thing when i was an intern last time. 1 female, the rest are males. Cool~
I apporached Rich and took a picture of him with his team. Astaga si Rich, still remember that I told him 'kirim salam to Andy'. He introduced me to Andy and told his team what I did, about GoLife and GoShop and yada2. Andy replied 'Cool! Interesting! Hi I'm andy' and stupidly, did you know what I answered? Blushingly I said....."I knoooooow~~~' ASTAGAAAA!!! Jawapan aper tu faranina!!!! MasyaAllah~~ takder jawapan lain ker ko leh bagi. But whatever it is, i met Andy yeyyy!! Masani lah aku geram takder kawan, coz i cant take pictures with Andy and the others! Uwaaaaaaaa!!!
Mana Foxy you say? Saaaaana dia ketinggalan with all the pilaks. Time tengah2 snap pictures, i saw a weird figure showing a 'peace' sign to me'. Anak sapo la tu~ ek'ek~ Foxy rupanya~ patutla ku rasa muka orang tu funny. Muahahahahah! (jangan mara foxy) ketawa itu bahagia. hahaha. After the concert, they continued the event with performance by invited artist. I have to go home coz i was tired and veeery sleepy.
14) I had BBQ @ Planet Mars
Yes! We BBQ at Mars. Tak jauuuuh~ dekat jer.. Sana Foh Sang near KFC. Lol!
Marissa organised a BBQ get together on Merdeka day. Those who came are none other than the usual - Adzri & the Gang. Rum was the photographer, Damien was the guitar player, Johnny, Adz & Roger was the tukang membakar and I was the sausage harasser, tukang kipas and shouter "Api!! Api!!".
Fay2 & the gang came a bit late. We chatted, we laughed, we sang, not forgetting being sarcastically kacau'ed' by Rum and of course, lots an lots of 'adult' photo. Thanx Mars! Next makan2 is at my house~ Bila? Open house Raya lah Lol!
15) Our GoLife 3rd Issue is up!
Yatta! GoLife Issue:03 is up. Hope that you guys like the new cover done by Marissa - www.goshop.com.my ... click GoLife!
I love the new cover. I think we are slowly finding GoLife! own identity. Congrats to all especially to Marissa and Jen for handling each segment successfully. Keep your spirit up all the time guys, despite whatever you may heard from the people around us. It's easier said than done. At least when we say we want to do something, we really work our ass off to make it happen. We love GoLife and proud of doing it + any smart person would know that we ARE helping Goshop!.
Again, frankly speaking, no GoLife, GoShop is ekk! dead.. I'm gonna kick anybody's butt if they say we are only enjoying ourselves with GoLife. Apa? nak we all menangis + mengeluh 24/7 sambil buat kerja? Happy susah~ mengeluh pun susah. Bihtu? nak stay still macam robot. It's not that we ever neglect any of our responsibility and original task by using Golife as an excuse. People's mind and perception can be so poor and sad sometimes. Sedeeey~~~~ Lol!
Whatever it is, as long as the sponsors, clients and readers are happy, GoLife is here to stay. Alhamdulillah, no bad comments from readers so far and hopefully it stays that way. We do receive lots of suggestion tho and thanks a lot guys. InsyaAllah, we'll try to input whatever that is appropriate and who knows, we'll publish it one day. Lots of homework must be done before taking a big step too soon. Cheers!!
16) I went to International Folklore show @ Yayasan Sabah
From Scotland, to Poland, to Russia, and India, to Saudi Arabia, to Japan, Brunei, Singapore and so many other countries performed at the international folklore dance show at Yayasan Sabah on the 5th Sept 2007. Oh! By the way, Happy birthday Sensei.
The performances were just pre-highlights of what they are going to be truly perfoming in the competition that happened on the 7th Sept 2007.
My favourite was definitely the Russian dance. Filled with energy and lots of spinning going around there, lol! But I still can't forget the dance from poland. Lot of peeking under the ladies' skirt. You naughty boy!
I just cant stop remembering how bersemangat pakcik saudi arabia tu dance. Just imagine, a serial killer, dancing with a knife and a horny face walking slowly towards you. Gitu lah muka dia. Lol!!!!! Scary.. but Funny bangat!
[From left: Mars, my Mama, The 2 Japanese ladies, my extra Jepun fanatico sis Nadia and Leena]
[Uh! Sapo tu~ Gue dengan Russian boy. Muehehe.. evil grin]
[Yes... this is how we smiled happily before menghembus dan menarik udara segar selepasnya.. if you know what I mean]
17) GoShop! Booth opened @ MPWS Women's Week exhibition
We opened up a booth at Palm Square Centre Point to promote GoShop! We received questions from those who just knew GoShop! and been distributing free shopping vouchers to all that came. Thanks Chris from Body Shop, Thanks Grace & Sharon from Cathay, Thanks Elle from Atlantis, Thanks Julia & Martinus from HairCut HairSpa Salon and thanks to McDonald as well!
Of course, I must say thanks to Rina & Izwan, our new team member who has been sitting there for one whole week promoting GoShop! You guys rock!
18) MPWS: Sabah Women's Day
Congratulations to Datuk Noni on being appointed as Tokoh Wanita 2007. You trully deserved it. Combined with the documentary look a like multimedia presentation done by RTM, performances by Noni, Richado, Ray and Salamiah Hassan, the night was a superb!
[From left: My Mama, Aunty Hjh Siti, Datuk Noni & Me!]
[Aunty Mary & Me]
[Yup! Dj Selina was there too!]
[Hot mama and anak-anaknya! lol!]
19) Mars & I were invited to 1957: Hati Malaya
We received an invitation from Grace of Cathay Cineplex for a one time show movie screening of 1957: Hati Malaya organised by DIGI. Thanks Grace. You're the sweetest. According to her, the movie will not be shown for regular screening in KK.
1957: Hati Malaya was very nice. Although there were some funny parts from the script and actors. It was really touching indeed. Especially the part when Tunku Abdul Rahman told the citizen that they must go to London in order to get independence but .. (he stopped silent for while) but the fee to go to London is.. (he stopped again) Kesian gilerrr!! Then semua orang bangun and derma whatever they have during that time.
Haaaa! Korang ingat merdeka tu senang??!! Mesti tengok cerita ni (IF they sell la). Those yang malas belajar sejarah (seperti aku~) better tengok this film coz lagi senang understand.. hrmm.. although still a bit confuse of one part. I'm sure you guys will too.
Whatever it is, the most important message of this film is of course, to stay united all the time, despite whichever races you came from. Yeah.. staying in modern life is always sweet, but the core values must not be forgotten. (Chewah.. leh jadi penceramah tak?) Lol! Hey! I meant what I said.
Now that all is being updated, I hope you guys can digest all of it. Will upload more pictures for each section soon. So many uploading to do. Tataa!

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To friends - with love!
Thursday, September 13, 2007 | Filed Under 360 Blog, Celebration, Events, Just saying, Movie, Tripping | 0 Comments
In Loving Memory of Trisha
