Kate & Leopold

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"If they lived in the same century, they'd be perfect for each other" ...
Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman go all Victorian in this charming movie. I can't recall how many times I've watched this movie, and I watched it again last night. I've always like the victorian time.. beautiful dresses.. dancing and singing were apart of their tradition... plus, romantic comedy and time travel movie has always been my favourite. Very heart-warming and witty at the same time. Just like in my favourite time travel anime series, Fushigi Yuugi.... my Tamahome.
Does the kind of man as Leopold ever existed in this world...? or do they only exist in the 19th century? Leopold was very .... gentleman.. without extra intentions. In this millenium century.. most of the 'leopold' type I've seen are.... fake... unnatural... always rush to get what they want... pushy...and have sooo many extra intentions in mind.
Guys, we never expected you all to be exactly like Leopold, because it's just impossible. But if you watch 'Kate & Leopold', you guys will know what exactly most of the ladies in this world, not want.... but NEED.


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