Happy birthday Serena!

I hate running nose.
Hate it hate it hate it.
This week is really taking its toll on me.
And now I'm beginning to have sore throat, flu and cough.
Hopefully I wont make so much noise during JazzyJas Black & White theater play tonight.

My corporate/promotional video project is almost done.
Colour correction is such a headache, and I don't want to have the client throwing their words back at me for not using the almost hundred thousand super XDCAM camera for such a small budget.
(What are they thinking?) *pfft
Thank goodness the client is still outstation, and I have this weekend to fix whatever shits left.

Serena's bday is tomorrow.
We had a small 2 in 1 celebration at Manhattan Fish Market just now; first, to thank my team for working hard for the video project + Serena's bday.
I must say Manhattan Fish Market branch in KK sucks big time.
Everything is just so bland =_=

The Birthday Girl

Alvin & Clifton

Rina & Lai

Manhattan Catch of the day (which has always been the dori fish)

Manhattan Fish & Chips

Sweet Alabama

For her bday present, Mars, Rina, Alvin, Lai, Clif2, Razz and I bought her Incanto Bliss perfume from Salvatore Ferragamo line.
I had to fool her that I'm buying it for my mom, which I did, (but a different one than hers) and asked for her opinion on the smell.
Since she suddenly mentioned that Salvatore Ferragamo is one of her favourite perfume, it made my life so much easier XD

Me, starting the Birthday song

Group photo!

Anyways, gotta go back to work now.
Have a nice TGIF and weekend guys.
and Happy Birthday Serena. *hugs*

PS: In the mean time, enjoy watching Serena squealing in this video ;)

I mean seriously?

Because of a drink
My night is ruined
and my day turned out from bad to worse?

I always give you what you want
and now you want to play the counting game?
Do you?
Because I'm good at that too.

So much for being 'understanding' and knowing me 'so well'.

and the best part is,
you then, as usual, act as if nothing happened.
and ask me "what's wrong?".
*shakes head*

And I downright blur.


Life is an Echo

What you send out - comes back.
What you sow - you reap.
What you give - you get.
What you see in others - exists in you.

Remember, Life is an Echo.
It always gets back to you.

It's true, no? :)

I love following Pravs.com

Though the inspirational words wont actually solve your problems, but it kinda helps in certain ways especially when I'm feeling lost/ hopeless.

I had to do a short video shoot in an actual business admin class at UMS today.

><" Geez. So paiseh man~!

Do you know how it feels when you step into other's territory?

They were all staring at me clueless and giggling at what I was trying to do @_@
I really felt like a dork during the briefing session XD
But oh well. Work is work :)
*Remind me again why i never wanted to be a lecturer*

On a side note, do you know how many flavours Fererro Rocher has?

Not 1...

Not 2...

But 3!


And I tasted it all! Muahahahahhaa!

The one that we normally find in the local store is only Fererro Rocher chocolates, but not the Ferrero Rondnoir and Ferrero Collection in assorted flavours, which in this case is Fererro Garden in Coconut flavour.

This is how Ferrero Garden looks like:

It's coated with dessicated coconut with a yummy and rich coconut cream as well as a hint of buttery praline filling inside + an almond on top!
If you're not a coconut person, well I guess this is not for you ^_^

Among all three, my favourite would definitely be the Ferrero Rondnoir.
It's a semi-dark chocolate, and I LOOOOOOVE the taste of dark chocolate! XD
It is so rich in taste!
Sadly, I didn't manage to take a picture of it :( coz normally, if I like something, I'd swallow it first, before I could manage to think. Hahahahaha!
But you can see it here.

Thanks Aunt Tracy! *nyum nyum nyum*


What? I'm stress ok. So I need chocolate!

*continues eating*

I must clutch and not choke ><"

As what Char'Lim' wrote in his blog, in a high pressure situation, one can either choke or clutch.

The project, which I'm currently working on right now is putting my carrier on the line. It's even scarier than organising an event!

Some of the factors that been pulling my hair right now are:

1) Client is being VERY difficult / have little hope that the idea would work + KEDEKUT (so what's new?)

2) Team member lacking self motivation and need constant reminder and supervision. People been telling me that I need to delegate and put a trust on other people to do the work coz that's what team work suppose to mean. But when I did, it all went hardwired!!! Not only did it waste their time and MY time, they are putting MY carrier on the line. For once, I'm asking myself, WHEN can they be serious and enthusiastic to make something work????!!!! I'm so pissed!

3) The weather is not helping. My video shoot is suppose to start tomorrow + the whole next week, and according to the weather forecast, it's gonna continue RAINING and THUNDERSTORM till next week!!!! What turf???!!!

4) They say that the client might be considerate considering that the awful weather is beyond my control. Easier said than done right? But get this, any delay in the production work will result in spending extra to rent the equipment again! And we don’t have extra budget for it! Want me to ask the client to give more money? Hell no they wont. Want me to ask finance to spend some more? All they want is untung untung untung. I'm sick of it! So many procedures to everything! I wish all that money in the end belongs to me for my hard work!

5) The kids!! THE KIDS!!!! It's so hard to direct kids! Even the voice over recording just now made me wanna cry. How can I prove to the client that our local kid can be as great as those in KL???? And that is only for voice over recording. I can't imagine how it would be like for real video shooting/acting.

6) Worst, I only have 5 weeks to complete EVERYTHING. Printing for 5000 packaging itself need longer time, and duplicating the DVDs also need about 1 week plus! Everything is bloody rush right now!

7) I've so many things to say, but it cramped up my brain right now. I'm gonna put it as 'to be continued' + 'if you're interested' =_="

This is even worse than organising Hobbycon and making my own Hari Keluarga advert (which I scout talent, video shoot, edit, manage and presented all by myself ok. Pls)

God, please help me. T_T I'm feeling such a heavy burden on my shoulder right now. What if I fail??? What if they reject the advertisement and don’t want to pay the company I'm working with??? Who’s gonna pay the cost spent??? I'll be so screwed, embarrassed and ashamed myself T____T

In my mind right now, there is 99% I’ll flunk in this project, and 1% chance of succeeding. *oh please please please please please* Make that 1% be a reality T___T .

I must clutch and not choke at this moment.

Sometimes I thought... "why bother?"

When my 'ba zi' says something about me always working hard, but the money will just run away from me / to someone else / benefit other people and leaving me to carry the burden, sometimes I selfishly thought.. why do I even bother working hard?


Clearly I'm not the only human being in this world thinking that way, no?

I'm pretty sure most parents think about that everyday while their children partying outside and not giving them any sense of appreciation.

Mom used to say, "if you have a mole on your shoulder, it means you're carrying other people's burden"
*And she said that while showing me one on hers*
"Oh wow ma... guess what? I have TWO on the left. How?"

So you see... As much as I always think positive and not letting myself be all paranoid with the ba zi, mole reading, feng shui or w.h.a.t.e.v.e.r... at times, these things do get to me.

ESPECIALLY when you work your ass off day and night to earn money, other people got it easy, and yours just dropped and disappeared out of thin air.


PS: I'm currently having a really bad and super busy week. Client is being a total ridiculous bitch.


Just a quick note for memory sake, and this is the most unromantic post ever.

BB and I turned 2 last Saturday.


Feel soooo good to be back at work!

After 10 days of holiday, I feel my brain is rotting!

Hello cluttered desk,
Hello unfinished assignment,
and helllllllllo slow-paying client!
I'm baaaaaack~~~

Other than good flow of morning traffic and punctual attendance for the first 2 working days, the 1st week of 2010 seems just like any other day.
If my calculation is right, this week is suppose to be my PMS week.
Instead of feeling bloated and overly angry to little things,
surprisingly i feel energetic, lively and more loving muehehehe XD

Am in the middle of translating my proposed advertisement script from English to Bahasa Malaysia.

Good gosh! @_@

What is happening to my once-upon-a-time superb Bahasa Malaysia????

Imagine translating, "Hi! My name's Mia ... Sister Sarah just got accepted into her favourite University, University XYZ. And we're all here to accompany her for her registration!"

to, "Hi! Nama saya Mia Kak Sarah telah berjaya memasuki Universiti kegemarannya, Universiti XYZ. Dan hari ni, kami semua pergi ke UMS untuk menemaninya"

what turf.... @_@

Some say I'm just paranoid coz it sounded ok when put into a real 8-years-old kid conversation.

Really? XD

Well try translating this to Bahasa Malaysia:

Sarah got a nice room overlooking the campus! Her room is spacious and comfy, and she told me she plans to decorate her room in PINK! I want to have a pink room too when it's my turn to go XYZ next time! Hummph! I want pink bedsheets, pink pillow, pink curtains, pink mirror..... (fades away)...

*wow... try looking at your expression in the mirror* XD

So yeah..

THAT's what I'm doing now.

Few minutes later, my sister stepped in to help...

o.m.g.... she's BLOODY GOOD!!!!!!!

I'm so ashamed of my rotten Bahasa Malaysia HAHAHAHHAHAHA!

Thanks Cici!!!!


I received yet another opportunity from someone I respect, but only time will tell.

I wont be all excited about it coz i notice i always jinx the good things when i announce all out.

Happy new year and Happy working guys!


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