It's been awhile since I'm back home early from work.
My usual routine would be Wake up - Work - Lunch - Work - Gym - Dinner - Back home just to sleep XD
I kinda miss hanging out at home, dinner with family, guling-guling in front of the TV gossiping with mama and just have a simple discussion about business and etc with my dad :)
Last night my sis, Cici, brought her friend home to do a free facial treatment for both of us using the Artistry product range that she's currently using.
It was so pampering, i wish they were my maid XD Heh~
After the facial session, i have to admit, Artistry is actually a very good yet underrated product.
I even think it is equally as good as Dermalogica, SK2 and the range I'm using now called YES Paris.
(I maybe wrong coz products may vary to different skin type).
My sis had been recommending it to me before, but it got delayed due to my unfinished product range that time OR i just simply forgot about it and went on trying something else XD
So since my YES Paris product is going to finish in about 2 weeks, I'm considering on trying this range next.
Also, I'm planning to join Artistry facial demo class on the 27th March next week for their ArtistryProduct + Chinese traditional Gua Sha technique for the face.
Cici's friend did it on us during our facial, and we were very surprise with the outcome.
It DOES have the lifting effect! and the best part is, our face look slimmer and less puffer fish face XD XD XD
This is like even better than going for facial at beauty salon!
No wonder most people in China practicing Gua Sha method.
In order to join this class on the 27th, I might need a back up model for me to practice this technique on.
All 'my' model need to do is just sit there and enjoy free facial done by ME. Muahahahaha!
Fyi, my initial model is suppose to be my own sister, but she might be busy with work.
Another back up model is suppose to be BB, but I think he's quiet hesitant on being labeled 'gay'. Hahahahaha.
I even went to the extend of offering him a free once a week love-love-facial.
See lah if he is interested.
Anybody else interested? XD

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In Loving Memory of Trisha

AHHAHAHAHAH I was imagining sotong's face puffy like fish XD hahahahahhahaah oh gawd. Kenapalah ko kasi se imagine pagi pagi ni.
Mas: Dia still ndak mau :(
Cyzer8: Aleeeeennn... alangkah bagus ko di sini~~~ Cant wait to meet u soon!