"Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over."

"Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over." magnify

Friends are getting more and more interesting these days.. Thanks to FASANA business.. i get to interact more with my colleagues... different 'types' of colleagues. All of them has their own characteristic. There's Author (although he didn't order anything) A bubbly, happy and interesting guy. Then there's David, the sweetest guy and also very shy. As for the ladies... of course.. they're the happy go lucky types. When it comes to food.. they beat the guys.

I have stupid argument with foxy today. But I have to admit, he always made my day with his stupid and silly but true (and some.. not so true statement) about lots of things. He's 'the very bestfriend' of Caleb. Hahaha. Again, I've contacted lots of clients today.. only waiting to set an appointment to meet all of them. Some are the potential ones.. some are just.. well.. nag me off. Well~ you can't be choosy right?

Went out with DK for lunch at Pete's Corner. Interesting Western food. Delicious too. Tonight, due to unplan agenda, we have to cancel our movie plan. Instead, I'll be bring my baby sis to 'lepak' at San Francisco Tg. Aru, or wherever she wanted to go. I seldom talk to her whenever I'm back after work. Monday-Wednesday.. she's out for tuition. And when she got back, I, either helping my mom with tomorrow's business preparation or dozzed of to beautiful dreamland.

That's about it I guess (and I thought lots of things happened today)... Jya ne~


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