Colours! Help me out!

It has been a week since I've started working at DH. It was great although sometimes it could give me a headache. I've met a new client yesterday, and went out shooting as well. I'm proposing Bird Sanctuary Kota Kinabalu an interactive CD. The meeting went well. Thanx Caleb for bringing me along. It's easy to express our ideas with each other. As for the video shooting, I went to the museum to shoot some flowers and my, I'm glad my video skills haven't gone to sleep ;)
I love weekends. I watched my favourite anime when I was still in High School. Sailormoon! Make up! (yeah~ yeah~ laugh your heart out.. I don't care..) I'm planning to buy all the japanese language collection. But the cantonese version last time was not bad though. :P It's amazing how a clumsy, crybaby person can be so lucky in her life. She found out that she was the princess and fell in love with the love of her life.. 'Tuxedo Kame' Yada yoooo!! I like him too! Why can't this world have something like that??
I've got a great news to tell actually. But I've got to wait when the time is right to tell. But it depend on this 2 weeks time. Now I've got to concentrate on my current video project.. that is an opening video for Common Herbal in Sabah intercative CD. I'm counting on Discovery Travel n Living channel to give me some inspiration. I don't want the intro to be so cliche and using a sleepy background music. If only I can use Sergio Mendes - 'Waters of March'. Very relaxing and jumpy at the same time.
Tonight we're going to 'The Hut' for dinner. It's my favourite Dine-In Cafe. Simple, classy, affordable and delicious! Lastly, faranina sign out with .................. "Makan!"


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