I feel guilty from last night, so i'm sticking to 0% fat yoghurt :(

Here I am, sitting in front of my pc with Dutch Lady: Shine 0% fat yoghurt in hand...
What not with the guilt of indulging last night's signature Nasi Lemak,
stir fried prawn....
the DURIAN cake...
I've lost to my temptation!!!!! *smack self*
This* I hv to blame Dtk Adeline T___T
Everything was delicious.

The appreciation dinner for the Jazz committee last night was great.
The people around were awesome.
I definitely learned a lot.
With so many nice people around me, how lar am I gonna achieve my target weight till the dance performance on the 1st and 2nd of August? T___T

Talking about that...
Guess what???
Last monday, I was recruited by Danny of Core Fitness to perform a dance performance together with him and other selected members at CityMall's bridal show in August!
Nervous I tell you XD
Our practise will start anytime soon.
So hope everything goes well! XD
*cross fingers*


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