Just got back from Tanah Abang Shoping Mall.
If you wondering how it looks like, just imagine 8 Floor of total pack mall with A LOT...
I mean A LOT of shops, full of variety that'll drive you mad XD
One floor just all bags..
another for leather goods
another just for shoes
bla.. bla.. bla..
Eventually, I bought a top. *yeah.. 1 top only...*
"I don't belive you..ONE only for yourself?????", says Mars
I know.. XD
Actuallllllyyyyyy~~~~ I did hunt around and shop a few for BB ^^
Me love! *evil grin*
You see, I am trying VERY HARD to control my temptation to save my money for a hell of shopping experience tomorrow in Bandung.
*am reminded couple of time by my mom and those who had been to Jakarta/Bandung*
So the battle will start tomorrow. Buahahahahah!!!
Oh! Know what? the Cendol here is soooooooo good!!!
Instead of using Gula Melaka, they use molasses *original ingredient before brown sugar is made* and it tasted effing incredibly great! *nyaaa~~~ sugar high*

We went to 'Dunia Fantasi' afterwords, sight seeing and now we're back to our hotel (SPARKS hotel), exhausted and full. Hohohoho.

How's your weekend so far?
I'm going to eat Nasi Padang tonight. Wheeeeee~~~~
My free 1 hour Internet almost run out.
Have a nice weekend guys XD
rindu... ... ...
Tapi ingat beli banyak2 hadiah ah~ kakakaka.... XD