I even screwed up the earlier part till one of my listener sms me "kulang titun?"
Oh man.. =_=
Anyway, so the Redbull Female Driver Search was held last Saturday at 1 Borneo.
Seeing the girls registering and trying out to race on track near the 1 Borneo Helipad parking area, I couldn't helped it but to feel the same adreline rush they felt.

Dino Dinosaur and BB had been urging and trying so many pleasing technique for me to join the search, but all else failed; till Eeza and GG (Left side in the image below) use their Redbull marketing thing-a-magic skill on me which left me hypnotized and obliged eventually.
(ok.. ><" this sound so wrong)

To cut story short, I registered and joined.

Here's the on track video that BB took of me:
If you noticed, Leona Chin was beside me.
She's a sweet girl drifter and also a professional one too.

Leona was listed one of the top female driver during the Merdeka Milleneum Endurance Race 2006 and if you were in her car... be sure to wear seat belt....TIGHT!

Here's another video that BB took when he was at the front seat:
Hahaha!!! XD Fast and Furiouuuuusssssss~~~~~~~~~
Leona also have the same habit as my sister.
She loves carrying her plush name Domokun wherever she goes.

When she's driving, Domokun will either be buckled up together with her at the driver seat, or have his own seat belt at the passenger seat. XD

Fyi, KK (Sabah) is the last stop for the Redbull female Driver Search and the result is going to be announced soon. Little birdie told me that one of the Tengku who loves racing would even lend his Porche to train the selected female drifter... Coooooool~~~~ XD
But anyhow, the experience I got from this search is priceless.
*Thanks RedBull!*

Oh! OH! You know what else I learned from this search?
During the registration...

I noticed that my driving license have expired for 7 months now XD
OMG that's so cool that you get to race! Laju juga u ah.. Watch out ppl on the road! LOL!