Leonard took over the Bodypump class last Saturday.
“wake your muscles up! Add more weights!”, he said
“I am well known for my fierceness in class.. hehehe”
o_0” o_0” .... oh no....
Struggling like hell man…
What more when I continued with the Bodystep class after that.
“Remember the steps! I hate it if people don’t remember the steps!”
“Se'pondan-pondan’ dia… tapi ganas juga T-T’, I told Mars
Mars laughed coz I can barely move today and had to take emergency leave.
My body has this one day delay of feeling any post workout pain… remember?
I finished up my part for Shaz’s ‘Another Life’ film (I played Jules ver. 2).
On top of all the scenes I acted, the scene with Joj memang sure cannot tahan ketawa I tell you.
There was a part when we had to do a reverse angle shot and he didn’t have to do any expression other than delivering the lines.
Instead of delivering it nicely, he holds my shoulder, looking at me straight in the eyes and shouted,
“Jules! I know I have been acting crazy lately. Ashuzuhsuhushezezezuzuze? *tilt his head to the left* Ashuzeze… zu! *tilt his head to the right* Mmp!!! *give me assurance that everything will be okay*
I broke down and laughed.
Then he kena marah.
“Shessh…. Why are you always laughing?” *he asked me with his clown face*
"What?? ME????" I continued to laugh.
Last night, Shaz treated us to Pizza hut.
As always, Joj did his thing again and went to imitate Chong (from behind) who was enthusiastically demonstrating his jujitsu action.
“Adik….?”, the kakak pizza hut approached Nana (who was sitting behind Joj)
“Dia ni… orang istimewa ka?”, she whispered
We laughed so hard right after Nana told us what happened.
“Itu lah you… imitate lagi Chong like that!” Nana whacked Joj
Julian and I continued laughing.
“Aihs…. I also want to ketawa when the kakak asked me that question.
You know bah kan what is orang istimewa Julian?”
“Hahaahahahaha… Dunno”
o_O” *looking at Julian*
“Then why are you laughing?”, I asked
“Coz I feel funny?”
“But you don’t know what is orang istimewa”
“You know what orang istimewa means or not??”, Nana continued
“Ya laa… Orang istimewa … coz he’s your husband right?”
Both Nana and I continued laughing
“Orang istimewa = retarded person laaaa!!!!!”
“ooo? Ooooooooooo……~~~ OOOOO!!!!” Then he laughed so hard
*which….. make more sense now*
OK… am gonna continue guling on my bed.
Pain man… Pain…… =_=
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