I had a good 8-hours of sleep...
*scanning brain.....* *scanning* *scanning*
What happened yesterday?
Oh... yeah...
I was attacked by a horrible botak monster

Woke up~ Long shower... Siap-siap...
Went down to say *byebye *kisskiss to papa, mama and cici..
*papa have this habit of wiping his nose on our cheek when kissing us goodbye*
"eeeeeeeee... papaaaaa... ><" ! Habis make up"
....aaaannndddd Nadia and I headed off to Citymall.

After dropping off Nadia in Citymall, mocha and I went for our brunch at Umai Japanese Restaurant in D’junction.

Kyaaaa XD!!!
Sedaaaapppppp!! UMAIIII!!!!

We only had 3 types of sushis but left the restaurant with
full and satisfied


The best part was, we got 10% discount when we paid using the CIMB credit card. Yosh! CIMB rawks! And for these three categories of big portion sushis, we only paid less than RM45 in total.

First, we had the California Maki, RM12
(Umai’s most popular in town sushi – 6 pcs)

Then came the Dragon Maki, Rm14.90
(MY FAVOURITEI seriously recommend this one – 6 pcs)

And last but not least, the Syefu Maki Mori, RM14.90
(Umai’s highly recommended sushi – 8 pcs)

So if you can count, we had 20pcs of sushis all together... right?
Now... imagine yourself going to Wagamama or other Jap. restaurants.
These type of sushis might cost you about RM5 or Rm6 for 2 pcs, no?
This meaaaaaannnsssss… you might be paying around RM50 to RM60!

So my point is, this place is
extremely affordable

Highly recommended to go.

Oh! They even have the black ninjas serving your food at night! With this concept in hand, Mocha and I had brilliant ideas for the upcoming KK Hobby Convention. Ngihihihi…. stay tuned!

Nah! two more snappy pictures from Umai. Thanks B!

After the outing, we went to Tg Aru Plaza to buy gift for our friend’s wedding, Nora, who is also Rina’s younger sister. Apparently the gift shop had closed down which I am seriously not surprise as that place is acutely a disaster anyway.

I’m wondering what the owner/management do to promote that place. I mean it is such a great location! Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk..

Anyhow scrap that… coz I want to swank you with my photography workshop experience with Louis Pang organized by Epson at Shangri-La Hotel Tg Aru.

It was a very-very-very educational (yes mocha… I said the word educational) workshop and Louis is definitely a down to earth guy.

Louis taught us some of his photography and photoshop techniques including his 7 extraordinary ways to become an extraordinary photographer; which mocha really took note coz he, of course, into all of this photography stuff (me too! ^^ But I don’t have my own DSLR.. so…, if I have a small SONY cybershot digicam pun I bersyukur.. any volunteer? *kof *kof) and I believe, he will be successful one day.

Ngeeeee XD Ganbate sayang!

Oh-Oh! One of my friends, Nana and George got their wedding photographed by Louis as well, and it was very cute. George also won the first prize lucky draw.

*operasi merompak sedang dirancang*

GoLife Editors with Louis Pang

The KK Bloggers

For more info about Louis.. you can check out his website and blog at my ‘Kinky & Original’ & ‘Bloggies Bloggers’ sidebar on the right hand side of the screen. Or, just click below coz I know you are such a lazy person.

Louis Website
Louis Blog

Mocha and I went to Nora’s wedding at about 7pm+ and chit chat with her and Rina for awhile before heading off to Citymall to meet up with other CSPians.

As I got home, *fuah!!!* Pinky!!! What happen to you!!! You’re sooooo cleaaaaannn and pink! After more than 2 years, your mama finally decided to give you a bath with a tooth brush.

Pity you man, but congrats!

Nadia gave Pinky a cap from her Arale pink shit
plush toy and took a photo pinky.

Uuuuuuu T-T.. harahettaaa….
Gonna sleep now.


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